Paradise Lost acknowledges consumerism and its link between fantasy and reality.
This project has arisen through discussions of Darwin’s theory of evolution and that of the biblical stories of God’s creation of the world. The link to consumerism delves into Darwin’s theory of the physical evolution of mankind and the physical world as opposed to the biblical theory of God.
Mankind has evolved so greatly from such simple beginnings that, having worked with the earth, we are now poisoning it, and ourselves, with our constant desire for more. The story of Adam and Eve looks at the biblical world where the serpent (metaphorically the Devil or Satan) persuaded and manipulated Gods words and intentions to Eve, to persuade her to eat the forbidden apple stating ‘for God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God knowing good and evil’. Eve’s consumption of the apple, and the resulting consequences, are the beginning of mankind's desire and greed for more. Evolve this to the modern day where our culture of consumerism clearly shows mankinds desire to constantly want more than we actually need, at whatever cost to the planet.
Cr Dir & Photo & Retoucher: @natasha__clayton
Model: @terancio_tezza
Stylist & Stylist: @riannairvine
Stylist & Assistant: @tanyathakore__
Model: @marysiekj
Stylist & Assistant & Model: @moodswinxs
MUA & Hair: @amberhb.mua
MUA & Hair: @staciesfx
Assistant & Photo: @georgiaamarshalll
Stylist & Assistant: @chantelle__444
Pub: @1994magazine